I am Naheez Thawfeeg and this is my formal blog.The stories written here are about my life and my interests.It reflects my own opinion and research.Beginning on Friday 31 July 2015 I have decided to upload photos and videos to my blog.Almost all will be taken by me and many are photo selfies and video selfies
Saturday, February 18, 2023
Another fake Facebook® profile
Fake Facebook® profile
Monday, February 13, 2023
Autodesk® EAGLE™
Just now I downloaded and installed Autodesk® EAGLE™ which is a free software for designing PCB (Printed Circuit Boards) for electronics engineering...
I opened an example drawing and it opens the tool set also for drawing...
I have lots of free times these days and I did this just to pass the time...
Allah Akbar...Allah is great...
(Location: Male'...Date: Monday 13 Februray 2023...Time: 10:47 AM...Part of the day: Noon...Weather: Sunny..Temperature: Warm)
Sunday, February 5, 2023
First IBM® and Adobe® collaborated course completed
Tonight I am not sleeping and wanted to pass the time doing some course...I signed into IBM® Skills™ and SkillsBuild™ and saw this course by IBM® in collaboration with Adobe®...It took three hours for me to complete the course and pass the mini quizz...
I did well on the quizzes and got this certificate ( which can bee seen at https://students.yourlearning.ibm.com/certificate/share/7a2a97b857ewogICJvYmplY3RJZCIgOiAiSUxCLU5LUVJHV0pKSlZWRDZYQTMiLAogICJsZWFybmVyQ05VTSIgOiAiNjE2MzI5UkVHIiwKICAib2JqZWN0VHlwZSIgOiAiQUNUSVZJVFkiCn07af6f6c18d-10 ) ...Login might be required to see the certificate...
It's now 4:26 AM of Sunday 5 February 2023...
Allah Akbar...Allah is great...