My book is now published in Amazon® Kindle™ as an eBook...First ever ebook I self-published on Amazon® Kindle™...Earlier tonight Amazon® had to validate and verify I own the copyrights of the content/manuscript of my book and they verified it for me after I replied to them with my email...I also setup my Amazon® author profile page using Amazon Author Central™...CreateSpace® gave me an option to publish my ebook using Kindle Direct Publish™ (KDP™) and I have completed the publishing works...The ebook is now live in Kindle™ ...My Amazon™ author profile will be available at : within the time frame of 7 days ... The cost of my ebook "Military Computer Alert" is 12 US $ same price as the paperback... How happy I am because I had completed all this in this holy blessed month of Ramallan 1439... It's now early morning hours and I am now fasting ... :) ... Allah Akbar...Allah is great...(Location: Male'...Date : Wednesday 22 Ramallan 1439/ 6 June 2018...Time : 4:49 AM...Part of the day: Early morning/dawn...Weather : Rainy...Temperature : Cool and very pleasant )