Last Monday I upgraded the RAM of my computer to 4 GB installing two 2GB RAM DDR2 PC2 6400U 600 MHz DIMM in to the RAM ports / slots and removing the two 1 GB RAM cards...Last time I upgraded the RAM was in 2015 and I bought all these RAM cards in January 2015 and this year January 2018 from the same seller based in Hong Kong in eBay...The RAM of my computer can no further can be upgraded and the maximum memory supported is 4 GB...It's now 9 years since I bough this computer from Asters in January 2009...Few days ago I installed Android Studio which is the IDE for Android app development from Google...
... Allah Akbar...Allah is great...( Location : Male'...Date : Thursday 1 February 2018...Time : 6:40 PM...Part of the day : Early Morning...Weather : Nice...Temperature : Cool )