Showing posts with label IBM® Cloud monthly bill. Show all posts
Showing posts with label IBM® Cloud monthly bill. Show all posts

Monday, November 5, 2018

IBM® has invoiced me their first bill notification

IBM® has emailed me their first invoice of the bill for this November 2018 of using IBM® Cloud and it's 0 US $...I don't have to pay anything...Alhamdhu Lilaahi...All thanks are to Allah...

When I upgraded my free IBM® Cloud Lite account, IBM® gave me free life time credits worth 200 US $ for which I bought and transferred my domains and there is still about 180 US $ left...

I am using Cloudflare® as my CDN (Content Delivery Network) and Google® (Blogger® and Google® Cloud Computing Platform) as the hosting providers and all these are in the free tier...

IBM® also give a free tier with many apps and I in case I use them, I will use the free tier...It's not likely that IBM® will charge or incur me fees, because I intend to use the free credits they gave me and their free services...

:) ... Allah Akbar...Allah is great...(Location: Male'...Date: Monday 5 November 2018...Time: 4:56 PM...Part of the day : Early evening...Weather:Nice...Temperature: Warm)