An early edition of Encyclopedia Britannica described intelligence as evaluated information of any kind...And that is the real definition...
Spying on the other hand is a related discipline of intelligence gathering ( information gathering ) by using covert or secret methods...
The basic slogan and rule of any intelligence agency is the "Need to know rule"...This means that those who need not know information about an operation or person doesn't need to be told or informed about it or the person...
I have read books and novels on intelligence...I also came across a treatise on intelligence when I was in Police in 1996...But I wasn't interested on the topic at that time...
I saved my life for myself because of what I learned through the years about intelligence...I had trained myself on cognitive investigation and evaluating of information which I gather from loose talk by my friends and absent minded discussion and comments they make...
There is one another important rule to be mentioned when it comes to spying: that is
Human life appears in patterns but there is no coincidences...I don't believe nor will any spy believe on coincidence...
Well that's what I know about intelligence and spying...It is short because I am not a professional...I saved my skin from the treacherous scheming of some of my so called friends: Shumais and his family foremost and Mujey and Jumbey...
Really sick people...
That's it....