Monday, December 7, 2009

What is intelligence and spying?

What is intelligence and spying?

An early edition of Encyclopedia Britannica described intelligence as evaluated information of any kind...And that is the real definition...

Spying on the other hand is a related discipline of intelligence gathering ( information gathering ) by using covert or secret methods...

The basic slogan and rule of any intelligence agency is the "Need to know rule"...This means that those who need not know information about an operation or person doesn't need to be told or informed about it or the person...

I have read books and novels on intelligence...I also came across a treatise on intelligence when I was in Police in 1996...But I wasn't interested on the topic at that time...

I saved my life for myself because of what I learned through the years about intelligence...I had trained myself on cognitive investigation and evaluating of information which I gather from loose talk by my friends and absent minded discussion and comments they make...

There is one another important rule to be mentioned when it comes to spying: that is coincidence...There is no such thing in real life...

Human life appears in patterns but there is no coincidences...I don't believe nor will any spy believe on coincidence...

Well that's what I know about intelligence and spying...It is short because I am not a professional...I saved my skin from the treacherous scheming of some of my so called friends: Shumais and his family foremost and Mujey and Jumbey...

Really sick people...

That's it....

Sunday, November 22, 2009

C++ or Java?

C++ or Java...To none IT people this like mean a bit absurd...

But for software developers this would be familiar...The question to ponder is which language to choose...

If you are a systems developer ( that is you develop software like operating systems and drivers ) the choice is to use C++...But if you are a applications developer aiming to achieve a high degree of portability on all platforms the choice is Java...

Fact is performance...C++ performs better than Java but one should know that Java code runs comparably as compiled C++ code...

Those who are interested in developing database applications using Oracle should choose Java because Oracle natively supports Java...

But for those who don't need or aim to develop software for most platforms needs to develop in C++...

Java have limited low level capabilities but C++ through its inline assembler supports low level processor specific code to execute...

So the choice is yours...Both languages are heavily used by programmers...

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Yahoo Geocities closed...

Yahoo closed it's geocities services...

On 26 October 2009 it closed...


Sunday, October 25, 2009

Windows 7 is released...

Microsoft released Windows 7 on the 22nd of this month October...

Windows 7 has several versions than its predecessor Windows Vista...

Some of my photographs taken in the year 2003!!!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

33 years past....33 years old...33 years gone....

I just became 33 years old...I was born in CE 1976 October 20...

Since 1990 I lived a life of abuse...But I am patient most of the time...My class mates abused me...My parents abused me...My employers abused me...My friends abused me...The girls I liked abused me...

I will write all about this in this blog of mine...

I give thanks to Allah for the favors and knowledge he bestowed on me and also that special intellect of investigation by inference he bestowed on me...Al hamdhu lilaahi rabil aalameen...Praise be to Allah lord of the worlds...

Saturday, October 10, 2009

"Hello World" in Java...

To write this application you will need Sun's Java Development Kit Standard Edition ( JSE ) which is a free download at installing it into your computer and setting the path environment variable write the following Java source in Notepad:

import javax.swing.JoptionPane;

public class HelloWorld {

public static void main ( String args [] )

JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null"HELLO WORLD!");



Save it on your desktop as

Next open the command prompt and execute the following command: javac

One file HelloWorld.class will be created if there are no errors in your source...To run the program type java Helloworld at your command prompt.


"Hello World" in C++

The following C++ program requires any C++ compiler but I assume it is Microsoft Visual C++ compiler...Microsoft Visual C++ Express edition is a free download from Microsoft.

Open Notepad and write the following source:

Save it to your desktop as hello.cpp and execute the following command at Visual Studio Command Prompt: cl hello.cpp...If there are no errors in the source code two files will be created: hello.obj and hello.exe...To run the program just type hello or hello.exe at your command prompt...


Friday, October 9, 2009

"Hello world" in assembly language...

To write and use the following "Hello World" program you will need to have Microsoft Macro Assemble ( MASM for short )...It is a free download from Microsoft and is included in every edition of Visual Studio ( the latest been MASM 9 in Visual Studio 2008 ).....

Just open Notepad and copy the code shown below and save it as hello.asm on your desktop...

.model small,c
.stack 100h

msg     db "Hello World!",0

includelib MSVCRT
extrn printf:near
extrn exit:near

public main
main proc
        push    offset msg
        call    printf
        push    0
        call    exit
main endp

end main

Now open Visual Studio command prompt and execute the following command: ml hello.asm /link /subsystem:console

This will create two files: hello.obj and hello.exe on your desktop...To run the program just type hello or hello.exe on your command prompt.

I wouldn't explain the details of the code but know that the .586 means that the source uses the Pentium microprocessor instruction set...That means it would run on any computer which has at least the Intel Pentium processor( released in 1993 ).


Which is the best language used to create dynamic web pages???

There are several popular languages used to create dynamic web pages...They are JSP, PHP, ASP, ASP.NET , Coldfusion and Perl.

I saw JSP used in Oracle's web site, IBM's site, Symantec's and ofcourse Sun Microsystems's web site which is the creator of JSP...I have seen only one perl site and that is Dhiraagu's web SMS site ( there is another site which I don't remember and that is the airport flight schedule site )...I have seen several asp sites notably forums...PHP is used as the most common sites I have seen ( example: facebook )...I have seen on ofcourse Microsoft and Intel...As for coldfusion I have seen it in Adobe ( the owner and creator...strictly an acquired technology through Macromedia ) and Myspace!!!

We can't say which is the best language used to create dynamic pages but from what I know most ( through visits ) PHP is the most popular...Been open source and free makes it useful for start up companies...

Personally I have successfully created all the tutorial dynamic pages in Dreamweaver 8 using JSP,PHP and ASP.NET...What I haven't touched is perl ( Which Dreamweaver doesn't support )...

So I conclude by the number of sites using PHP and the ease at which it can be develope PHP is the most easiest and best language to create dynamic pages!!!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Making an e-mail account that ends with

Very simple...When you sign up or register for gmail you get automatically an e-mail account that ends with example your gmail is than too is your account...What holds is the google ID which in this case is example...You can use example when ever you sign in to your account...

Now the problem lies when you send an e-mail it will arrive at your friends inbox as can be solved...If you seriously want an e-mail that uses follow this link to sign up:

Cheers - guestworm ( Naheez )