Sunday, December 14, 2014

IS Committing real atrocities...

Islam is never a religion of hate...IS or the Islamic State is questionable...What they are doing is illegitimate in Islam...The middle east and the Arab world is undergoing change at a drastic speed and we Muslims should be patient...IS is killing Muslims...Innocent women and children are flogged without proper justice...The US and it's allies are unable to do anything....It's a hell hole in Syria and Iraq...Muslims cannot kill other Muslims nor people of other faiths without proper justice...I reject what is going on in the middle east....Oh my lord Allah...Bring peace to the middle east and the world....Aameen...

Sunday, November 30, 2014

The Kabaa house of Allah...

I have been thinking about to write this for many days now...

The Kabba is in Saudi Arabia in the holy city of Mecca...The Holy Quran states that it's the house of Allah...

The Kabba is cubic...Square walls in all directions and above...

We humans are the servants and deputy of Allah as stated in the Holy Quran...

We humans built most of our rooms and homes in square walls in all directions in most of the cases...Sometimes it's extended to rectangular shape...But still it's square...We humans find it comfortable this way...

Nothing is like Allah...We humans can't even dream of Allah or see Allah in night dream...Nothing is comparable to him or like him...This is stated in the Holy Quran......

Ya Allah forgive my sins and have mercy on me after I die...Aameen...

Humans visualise the cross as wrong...

Dear reader...

My intention is not to ridicule Christianity...This is what I have been thinking for many days now...

We humans use the sign cross x as wrong...When we mark questions to answers we put a x cross meaning wrong...

The cross is a holy symbol in Christianity but the cross signifies it's wrong...

The Holy Quran refers Christians and Jews as " People of the book"...How true this is...Christians and Jews write and read books a lot...

Mariyam ( or Mary ) the mother of prophet Isa ( Peace be upon him ) or Jesus is the only woman who is mentioned by name in the Holy Quran...

But we humans use the cross x as a symbol of wrong....

Monday, November 24, 2014

Knifing and assualt at K-Mart Cafe'...

Today is 24 November 2014 Monday...This incident took place on 2 November 2014 around 6:24 AM in the early morning...

I was standing on the south east corner of the junction of Kalaafaanu Higun and Lonuziyaaraiy Magu when I heard screams , falling of chairs, breaking of glasses from K-Mart Cafe'...I walked to the cafe' and saw two young men leaving on motor cycles...Two youths also came out...One was wounded very badly and his right arm was bleeding...The other youth was having difficulty to walk...There was blood on the tiles of K-Mart Cafe'...They were shouting and one of them said that he knew they would come to knife us today...

The cashier of K-Mart Cafe' called the Police and I also called the Police emergency number 119 but the Police girl who took the emergency line said that they had received the information...A Police man in special operations uniform came in a motor cycled and the wounded youth pleaded with him...He took him to the hospital on his motor bike...The other youth pleaded to take him to safety and that they would come again...

A few minutes later two Police men arrived in the opposite direction of the one way of Kalaafaanu Higun from Ameenee Magu in a motor cycle...One was a station inspector and the other was a lance corporal...The lance corporal came and held the youth who was in great pain....I talked to the incharge who was the station inspector and told him what I saw...He noted my name and identity card number...I asked him for permission to relay the information to SunFM which was the closes media agency near my home...He said that I could give the news to anyone I want...

I walked to the SunFM office in the next block to my home and knocked the closed glass doors...A Banladeshi office assistant answered and I told him about the knifing...He gave the mobile number and I called that number and a sleepy reporter took the call and I told him what had happened....I again went to K-Mart Cafe' and a police car came and took the injured youth to hospital...There was a police tape with no entrance near K-Mart Cafe now...

Minutes later two Police men in civilian clothes came...They were from SOCD ( Serious and Organized Crime Department ) of Police...I gave my information to them...A while later a SunFM reporter with the office assistant came and asked me about the knifing...I told them what had happened and they said it's not good to hang around here....

I went home and around 9:30 that morning I again went to Police main office at Shaheed Hussain Adam Building...I told the police officers who was in the reception that can they give me the fax numbers of Police because I want to give them the information about the knifing that took place early that day...They told me to wait and they asked whether I could give them a statement...I said yes...

A lance corporal in police uniform came and took me to the interview room...I asked him many questions and he remained silent...I pointed at the camera in the interview room and I asked him about recording the interview...I asked him were there women police offices in SOCD and if a women is summoned to police does a female police officer questions her....I asked him about bringing two witnesses in my company and I asked him whether I could record the conversation on my own...He told whether I could identify the attackers and I said I didn't see their faces...He was silent as he took my statement...He finished writing and took me to the other police gate facing the republican square..He gave me a visitor card from the reception and I clipped it on t-shirt neck...He took me to the llift and we went upstairs...He took me to the sitting room of SOCD and told me to sit down on the sofas...There were many police officers in civilian clothes and police uniform...I waited and wanted very badly to go to the toilet but didn't say it....I asked the police cop who took my statement that can I send an SMS and he said yes...I sent an SMS to my close old friend Aik Mohamed Shafeeq saying " Shafittey I have given a statement and now I am in the sitting room of SOCD "....Fifteen minutes went by and the police lance corporal who took my statement came and showed me three papers which I have to sing and put my finger print....I signed and gave my finer prints and he took me outside the SOCD office and we went to near the lift...I asked him that when a call is received by the command center of Police the information of the caller is displayed on their screens and they can record the call...Again he didn't answer...I think he was suppressing smiles .... He knew that what I was asking was very true....heheheh....This is my story of the first knifing incident I saw and gave the information to Police and the media ( SunFM )...Masha Allah...All thanks are to Allah....  

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Screen capture ... vroot app installed...

This screen capture shows vroot app in my phone

A while ago successfully rooted and unlocked my phone...

Around 1:30 AM this morning I had successfully rooted and unlocked my Samsung Galaxy SIII Mini Android 4.1.2 ( jellybean ) phone model GT-1890...Today is 17 September 2014 Wdnesday...17 is always my lucky number...I rooted my phone by downloading an app called "vroot" ( this is NOT in google play and is an outside app ) which is from a Chinese website (
  )..It took less than 5 minutes for me to root my device...You can root or unlock your Android device by downloading vroot from and it's free...Why root or unlock your device? This is because you can install very powerful apps not in google play...Alhamdhu Lilaahi Rabil Aalameen...Praise be to Allah lord of the worlds...

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Just now signed up for Dailymotion...

I just now created a Dailymotion Channel :   Alhamdhu Lilaahi Rabil Aalameen....Praise be to Allah Lord of the Worlds...

Friday, August 22, 2014

Just became 39 years in the Hijree calendar...

Today is 26 Shawaal 1435 Friday in the Hijree Calendar...It's now 01:00 AM...I became 39 years of age in the Hijree Calendar...In the Gregorian Calendar I was born on 20 October 1976....That is 26 Shawaal 1396...That was a Wednesday...I am alive...Alhamdhu Lilaahi Rabil Aalameen...Praise be to Allah lord of the worlds...

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Just now got a custom URL for my Google+ Profile...

I became eligible for a custom URL ( not the numbers ) today after having 10 followers...My old Google+ profile is : and now the new profile link with the custom URL is : HOORAY....Alhamdhu Lilaahi Rabil Aalameen...Praise be to Allah lord of the worlds....

Monday, June 30, 2014

What I know about the current MNDF Communication and Information Technology...

This article is what I have learnt about the present MNDF Communication and Technology Department which comes under the MNDF Support Service Regiment....

I was in the National Security Service ( which is the old name of MNDF ) in 1995 to early 1997...I was in Police Head Quarters which was then a section of NSS...Now it is 17 years I had left NSS...

Maldives National Defence Force or MNDF has matured and is very professional...They are no longer "fools" which had termed before...

The MNDF has now a full telephone switch or exchange which is  rack mounted...They also have a mobile telephone switch or exchange in other words...The telephone exchange can give seven digit numbers to the telephones of MNDF whether they are in Male' City or any other island include Addu City and Foaumlak which is the most distance southern atolls of Maldives...As it is full telephone switch these telephones can't be eves dropped by Dhiraagu ( the telephone service provide of Maldives )...The mobile switch gives some selected senior officers ( including all the general officers ) a dedicated mobile number ( which is seven digit and like Ooredoo or Dhiraagu, the two mobile operators of Maldives ) and these mobile phones which the senior officers use can't be eves dropped or listened by Ooredoo or Dhiraagu staff...

Their communications monitoring systems are in MNDF Kahuthu Kalaa Koshi ( or KK in simple words ) which has computer systems monitoring the communication both incoming and out going...The MNDF has equipment which can listen to any mobile phone call made in Male' City near by...They use their own proxy web serves for the internet...They use their own web servers to host their web sites ( and )...

They use the Tetra specification radios for their radio communications...The Maldives Police Service use Dimetra IP branded radios by Motorola and it's highly likely that the MNDF use these same radios...( Please read )...

So that's what I know about MNDF Communication and Technology Department / Section....This article is only for academic consideration only....Don't try to use it against Maldives National Defence Force or Maldives Police Service...

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Exactly 5 years having my own computer

18 January 2009 I bought my own very first personal computer from Asters....It is a Lenovo Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz system I bought under installment pay back....I am still using it....I learnt and taught myself a lot using this computer...Alhamdhu Lilaahi Rabil Aalameen...Praise be to Allah lord of the worlds....Hooray....