Monday, February 20, 2017

Thank you IGMH and ADK Hospital

I haven't heard from IGMH for now about a month and there may not be a review of my laboratory tests, X-Ray, ECG, and Doppler Echo Cardiography reports...The National Cardiac Center at IGMH told me that will call but I haven't heard from them for weeks now...I want to thank my doctors at IGMH and ADK Hospital whom I consulted during last year 2016 and January 2017... Here are their names, titles, and departments :
** IGMH Staff **
* National Cardiac Centre
- Dr. Ali Shafeeq
- Dr. Mujeeb Ahamed MD, PGDCC
* Department of laboratory medicine
-- Pathology
- Dr. Shimal Thasneem
- Dr. Milza A. Muhusin
- Dr. Merina Rajbhandari
-- Biochemistry
- Dr. Zeba-Un-Naher
-- Microbiology
- Dr. Tanjida Shilpi
** ADK Hospital Staff **
* Department of Psychiatry
- Dr. KV BhasKar
* Department of Internal Medicine
- Dr. Sharad
* Department of Cardiology
- Dr. Prateek Singh Bhadauria MBBS MD

All thanks are to Allah the most merciful...Allah Akbar...Allah is great... :)

Noon coffee in Kothu Hut

:) ... Allah Akbar...Allah is great... ( Location : Kothu Hut....Date : Monday 20 February 2017...Time : 12:11 PM...Part of the day : Noon...Weather : Sunny with breeze...Temperature : Warm )

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Sports Power

Yesterday morning I went from shop to shop in Majeedhee Magu looking for side bags...No shop has side bags and lastly I checked a sports shop called Sports Power and they had a side bag with strecthable cords and I bought it now...It was expensive costing 595 / - MVR is Quick Silver brand.... :) ... Allah Akbar...Allah is great... ( Location : Sports Power...Date : Sunday 19 February 2017...Time : 9:30 AM...Part of the day : Morning...Weather : Cloudy...Temperature : Cool )

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Night coffee in Xie Xie

I had coffee in two instances in Villimale' ( Villingili ) this night...First in a quite and deserted cafe' inside the end of the island and than Xie Xie Cafe' & Restaurant...I complained to my old friend Mohamed Shafeeq about the unpleasant coffee I had the first time and he again send me to Xie Xie Cafe' & Restaurant and I took these photos and selfies inside the beautiful breath taking cafe' and outside facing the waters and night light ferry terminal... :)...Allah Akbar...Allah is great...( Location : Xie Xie Restaurant in Villimale'...Date : Saturday 18 January 2017...Time now : 10:09 PM...Part of the day : Night ...Weather : Nice...Temperature : Cool )