Sunday, November 5, 2017

Added all my sites to Cloudflare

I have been doing this work since last Friday...Now I have completed adding the three domains / sites I own to Cloudflare free plan...I have to change the name servers to that of Cloudflare...I also enabled DNSSEC ( Domain Name System Security Extensions ) for all the three domains / sites in Cloudflare...My personal website and the two blogs are now protected by Cloudflare and if a attacker with a bad IP reputation attacks my sites Cloudflare will confront the attacker with a challenge page and will stand in front of my sites for defense... :) ... Allah Akbar...Allah is great... ( Location : Male'...Date : Sunday 5 November 2017...Time : 12:23 PM...Part of the day : Late noon...Weather : Sunny / Cloudy...Temperature : Warm )

Arranged the layout of my blog

A little while ago I neatly arranged the layout of the gadgets in my main blog ... Now it's less cluttered with easier navigation for the visitor to read and browse through the blog... :) ... Allah Akbar...Allah is great...( Location : Male'...Date : Sunday 5 November 2017...Time : 11:57 AM...Part of the day : Late noon...Weather : Sunny bit cloudy...Temperature : Warm )

Updated the theme of my blog

I just now again updated the theme of my blog reverting to the theme I used earlier...I find the last theme difficult for visitors to read and this theme is more visitor friendly after adjusting the widths... :) ... Allah Akbar...Allah is great...( Location : Male'...Date : Sunday 5 November 2017...Time : 7:56 AM...Part of the day : Morning...Weather : Sunny / rainy...Temperature : Cool )

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Finished hosting my personal site on Google App Engine

Today's work till now...I have all the three domains I own now registered in Google Domains...Today I changed the name server DNS records of my personal site and hosted this site on Google Cloud App Engine and I will use the free tier...Today morning I downloaded Google Cloud SDK and started work to upload my personal site on Google App Engine...Google App Engine is a cloud computing platform by Google to develop and host web applications...I am stilling learning to use Google App Engine and there might be errors for the visitor while visiting my site...When I uploaded the HTML files and photos the site was located at and I mapped my domain in the settings in App Engine... will work...I first bought this domain in October 2003 and it expired in 2004...I bought it again on 28 August 2008 and still I am using it and in late 2016 I transferred this domain to Google Domains and change the name server records to point to my old web hosting company...I don't intend to by another domain...The other two domains are in my blogs and the last one I bought on my birthday this year... :) ... Allah Akbar...Allah is great...( Location : Male'...Date : Thursday 2 November 2017...Time : 7:47 PM...Part of the day : Night ...Weather : Nice...Temperature : Cool )