Monday, November 12, 2018

Made a donation to Cloudflare®s Donate to Girls Who Code

I just now donated 2 US $ to Cloudflare®s Donate to Girls Who Code initiative...I love Cloudflare® which I came to know and use in late 2016...

Cloudflare® is the CDN (Content Delivery Network) and DNS (Domain Name System) provider of all my domains and websites...

Cloudflare® provides the CDN for more than 10 million domains and is soon going to launch their own domain registration service and I have been moved from Early Access (domain registration) Wave 7 to Wave 5 after I had donated the 2 US $ to Donate to Girls Who Code and also sharing in twitter about that...

It's better to separate domain registrar and website hosting and DNS/CDN provider when we use websites for personal or business use...It's a method of advanced hosting...

I have been separating the domain registrar and website since late 2016...For example my domain is registered in Dhiraagu but blog website is hosted in Google® and DNS/CDN is provided by Cloudflare®. With the exception of and domains I own, the domain registrar and website hosting is separate...The domains and are registered in Google Domains™ and blog site is provided by Google Blogger™ but still DNS/CDN is provided by Cloudflare®...The other two domains and is registered in IBM®, hosted in Google Cloud Platform™ and Google Blogger™ respectively and DNS/CDN provided by Cloudflare®.

Cloudflare® is a very powerful CDN provider with proxy servers standing in front of the websites they server to confront and challenge any person with a bad IP (Internet Protocol) reputation attacking a website they serve.

Cloudflare® has protected and mitigated DDoS/DoS (Distributed Denial of Service/Denial of Service) attacks for many customers.

:) ... Allah Akbar...Allah is great...(Location: Male'...Date: Monday 12 November 2018...Time: 8:53 PM...Part of the day: Night...Weather: Nice...Temperature: Very Pleasant)

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Finished testing my personal vCard using my mobile phone

I just now finished testing my own vCard using my mobile phone...I visited my blog and downloaded my personal/business vCard and imported it to the phone app...

I was able to successfully load the vCard to my phone contact list and all information was accurate and up to date...

To pass these free time I have to do and enjoy doing some useful things on my own...

:) ... Allah Akbar...Allah is great...(Location:Male'...Date: Saturday 10 November 2018...Time: 4:13 PM...Part of the day:Early evening...Weather:Raining...Temperature:Cold)

Updated my personal-business vCard

I have just now updated my personal/business contact vCard after putting my photo and adding more accurate information...I also named this vCard as Naheez Thawfeeg.vcf ...

I did the editing in Microsoft® Outlook™ 365... The download link is in Google Drive™ : (Don't abuse / Don't spam) because I want to keep these two vCards as safe as possible...

The vCard is in .vcf (Virtual Contact File) format and can be opened in Microsoft® Outlook™ or any email client and also using the mobile phone contact/call app.

There is nothing to do these past two days and I am hanging around in my home...

:)...Allah Akbar...Allah is great...(Location: Male'...Date: Saturday 10 November 2018...Time: 1:07 PM...Part of the day: Afternoon...Weather: Rain like...Temperature: Cold)

Monday, November 5, 2018

IBM® has invoiced me their first bill notification

IBM® has emailed me their first invoice of the bill for this November 2018 of using IBM® Cloud and it's 0 US $...I don't have to pay anything...Alhamdhu Lilaahi...All thanks are to Allah...

When I upgraded my free IBM® Cloud Lite account, IBM® gave me free life time credits worth 200 US $ for which I bought and transferred my domains and there is still about 180 US $ left...

I am using Cloudflare® as my CDN (Content Delivery Network) and Google® (Blogger® and Google® Cloud Computing Platform) as the hosting providers and all these are in the free tier...

IBM® also give a free tier with many apps and I in case I use them, I will use the free tier...It's not likely that IBM® will charge or incur me fees, because I intend to use the free credits they gave me and their free services...

:) ... Allah Akbar...Allah is great...(Location: Male'...Date: Monday 5 November 2018...Time: 4:56 PM...Part of the day : Early evening...Weather:Nice...Temperature: Warm)

Friday, November 2, 2018

Made my first post in Google My Business™

Today is the blessed Friday 2 November 2018...I earlier today made my first ever post in Google My Business™ and that post has been added and updated in my free Google My Business™ site instantly in real time...

These technology companies from U.S.A are excellent for learning new things...Last Friday my personal website domain was instantly transferred to IBM® Cloud SoftLayer™ from Google Domains™ and it's still under development by myself on my own time...I upgraded my IBM® Cloud Lite account and IBM® gave me free credits worth 200 US $ and using that I registered/transferred domains to IBM® Cloud.

I have no time for this political nonsense which is talked often every where in Maldives and which is dividing our beloved country...All my free time goes to learning new technology things using my computer and phone...It's more enjoyable and I don't have to waste my precious time watching these political madness on the T.V. and Radio of Maldives...

:) ...Allah Akbar...Allah is great...(Location: Male'...Date: Friday 2 November 2018...Time: 5:15 PM...Part of the day: Early evening...Weather: Sunny...Temperature:Cool)