Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Concluded celebrating Independence Day of Maldives

So now I conclude the celebration of the 54th Independence Day of my beloved country Maldives for this year 2019...After Facebook® has verified my business "Naheez" , Google Search™, Bing® Search, and Yahoo® Search is now more clean using the key word of my names Naheez, Thawfeeg, so on... wow ... Allah Akbar...Allah is great...

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Verified my business in Facebook® Business and added my book

Three days ago after midnight of 17 July 2019, I submitted to verify my own business "Naheez" in Facebook® Business and several hours ago tonight (Friday 19 July 2019) Facebook® has verified my own business...

I also have added all the internet domains together with subdomain to my Facebook® Business portal and verified them after setting the TXT records in DNS...I had to verify my subdomain after uploading a HTML file...

Some nights ago, I added my own book as product to my Facebook® shop page but first Facebook® blocked and rejected the product citing as it's misleading but I submitted an appeal form and Facebook® the next morning unblocked and allowed back the book "buy" product post...

I am going to start selling and distributing my own book and I am trying to complete all the required works before I start selling it...

:) ... Allah Akbar...Allah is great...(Location: Male'...Date: Saturday 20 July 2019...Time: 2:04 AM...Part of the day: After midnight...Weather: Bit rain like...Temperature: Cool)

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Google® Account security and 2-Step Verification

I just now strengthened the security of my Google® Account ...

I changed the password, added and verified my main mobile number as 2-Step Verification, and also added a authentication app as an extra layer of 2-Step Verification...

Now, I think, for the time been, this Google® Account of mine is very secure but no method can ever guarantee full and total security or protection...

I had to scan the QR (Quick Response) code in the authentication app of my phone to link it to this Google® Account and had to verify with the generated security token code...

:) ... Allah Akbar...Allah is great...(Location: Male'...Date: Saturday 13 July 2019...Time: 2:18 PM...Part of the day: Afternoon...Weather: Nice...Temperature: Hot)