Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Artificial Beach

Today now the weather is bad with cloudy sky and cold with winds...

This early evening I went to Aritificial Beach and took these photos and it was a low tide...

Allah Akbar Allah is great...

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Kuda Kudhinge Bageecha (Childrens Garden)

I took these photos in Kuda Kudhjnge Bageecha (Childrens Garden) a moment ago...The scene was breath taking...Allah Akbar...Allah is great...

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Had a shower

Had a shower and put on fresh clothes before going to work in shop for 2 hours part time...

Sunrise seen from Usfasgandu

I went to Usfasgandu a moment ago and took these photos of the risen sun and selfies...

Allah Akbar...Allah is great...

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Going home after prayers

Yesterday (Friday) I shaved my beard...A moment ago I took these two photos in Buruzu Magu near Henveiru Pre School after praying mendhuru namaadhu in Shaheed Ali Mosque...Allah Akbar...Allah is great...

Friday, May 3, 2024


I didn't sleep tonight and went to Usfasgandu early this morning and took these two photos of the sunrise...

Allah Akbar...Allah is great