Monday, May 25, 2020

McAfee® HackerWatch™ hits me

I came to know about this anti-hacker community website a long time ago...That was 2006 (14 years ago)...

Here is the link :

It's owned by McAfee® which is one of my favorite security software company...

I clicked "Hit Me" (that's they hits me, my own computer and network) and the site send packets to probe my computer and it was successfully sent. Since I have enabled NAT (Network Address Translation) to further strengthen my computer network, the event generated was unable to probe my computer which is good...



Allah Akbar...Allah is great...

(Location : Male'...Date: Monday 25 May 2020...Part of the day: Early evening...Weather: Cloudy...Temperature: Cool)

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Fitr Eid coffee at home

Today is Eid ul Fitr of this Hijree year 1441, Sunday 24 May 2020...

I didn't sleep last night and prayed the Fajr prayers at home...I was counting the hours till Eid prayers...

At 6:18 AM I shaved and had a refreshing shower with hineyvun (body purification with water in Islamic tradition)...Then I put new fresh clothes and applied perfume (splash cologne), body spray, aftershave, hair cream and got ready for Eid Prayers in my room, the very first ever time I had to do this as our Male' City is lock downed and the mosques are closed due to the Covid-19 epidemic...

After finishing the Eid prayers on my own, I went to my home doorstep and had a smoke and went to the kitchen of my small apartment in our family home and made a mild warm coffee and took these photos and selfies...This is the first coffee of this Fitr Eid...



Allah Akbar...Allah is great...

(Location: Male'...Date: Eid ul Fitr, 1 Shawaal 1441, Sunday, 24 May 2020...Part of the day: Early morning...Time: 7:13 AM...Weather: Nice...Temperature: Very Pleasant)

Eid ul fitr mubarik

I sent Eid ul Fitr 1441 (year) to all the visitors of this blog of mine...Thank You and stay safe even when lockdown is released...


Thursday, May 14, 2020

Attended Intel®s Annual Stockholder meeting 2020

I have to admit that I was very careless with the preparations to attend to Intel® Corporation's this year's annual stockholder meeting.

Also this will be the last time I am going to put this into social media...I didn't try that much (unlike last year 2019) to get a control number and I just registered after the meeting started and was 8 minutes late...The meeting started tonight at 8:30 PM Maldives time and 8:30 AM Pacific Daylight Time...


Stay safe from Covid-19 and may Allah protect you all...

Allah Akbar...Allah is great...

(Location: Male'...Date: Thursday 21 Ramallan 1441 / 14 May 2020...Part of the day: Night...Weather: Nice...Temperature: Cool)

Friday, May 1, 2020

My shadow in the night

I have been thinking about doing this for a while...

A moment ago I was having a smoke in the doorway of my home and took a photo of my own shadow on the wall from the street lights...

These are hard times in our Maldives and also in the whole world because of the Covid-19 outbreak...

Let's all of us pray to Allah in this holy month of Ramallan 1441 for a cure and a relief...


Allah Akbar...Allah is great...

(Location: H.Neeloafaru Hiya, my home...Date: Friday 8 Ramallan 1441/ 1 May 2020...Time: 12:08 AM/0008 Hours...Part of the day: Mid night...Weather: Nice and humid...Temperature: Cool)

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Asked a question to Intel® Q&A

A few days back, when I checked my emails for my oldest and main GMail® (created in 2006), I had already got an email to ask questions to Intel® Q1 2020 Q&A (Questions and Answers) through Say® Communications...

I took the screenshots of my phone and this is the very first time I had asked questions to the board of directors of a company which I own shares...


Allah Akbar...Allah is great...

Ramallan Kareem and Mubarak

(Location:Male'...Date: Tuesday 21 April 2020...Time: 4:43 AM...Part of the day: Dawn prayer time...Weather: Cloudy and humid...Temperature: Cool)