I am Naheez Thawfeeg and this is my formal blog.The stories written here are about my life and my interests.It reflects my own opinion and research.Beginning on Friday 31 July 2015 I have decided to upload photos and videos to my blog.Almost all will be taken by me and many are photo selfies and video selfies
Wednesday, March 15, 2023
Google Ads™ are now appearing in my blog
Saturday, March 4, 2023
Back in Google® AdSense™
Thirteen years ago in 2010 I signed up at Google® AdSense™ (Google® Ads) and Google® AdWords™) which are google™ monetization for websites and google™ advertising...
After a few years I removed Google® AdSense™ and I have made US$ 24.39 but the threshold value for payment is US$ 100...
I am now again back in Google® AdSense™ and getting ready to start monetize my blog as recommended by Google® so that I can make money...
Allah Akbar...Allah is great...
(Date: Saturday 4 April 2023...Time: 1:45 AM...Part of the day: Midnight...Weather: Nice...Temperature: Cool)
Saturday, February 18, 2023
Another fake Facebook® profile
Fake Facebook® profile
Monday, February 13, 2023
Autodesk® EAGLE™
Just now I downloaded and installed Autodesk® EAGLE™ which is a free software for designing PCB (Printed Circuit Boards) for electronics engineering...
I opened an example drawing and it opens the tool set also for drawing...
I have lots of free times these days and I did this just to pass the time...
Allah Akbar...Allah is great...
(Location: Male'...Date: Monday 13 Februray 2023...Time: 10:47 AM...Part of the day: Noon...Weather: Sunny..Temperature: Warm)
Sunday, February 5, 2023
First IBM® and Adobe® collaborated course completed
Tonight I am not sleeping and wanted to pass the time doing some course...I signed into IBM® Skills™ and SkillsBuild™ and saw this course by IBM® in collaboration with Adobe®...It took three hours for me to complete the course and pass the mini quizz...
I did well on the quizzes and got this certificate ( which can bee seen at https://students.yourlearning.ibm.com/certificate/share/7a2a97b857ewogICJvYmplY3RJZCIgOiAiSUxCLU5LUVJHV0pKSlZWRDZYQTMiLAogICJsZWFybmVyQ05VTSIgOiAiNjE2MzI5UkVHIiwKICAib2JqZWN0VHlwZSIgOiAiQUNUSVZJVFkiCn07af6f6c18d-10 ) ...Login might be required to see the certificate...
It's now 4:26 AM of Sunday 5 February 2023...
Allah Akbar...Allah is great...
Tuesday, January 24, 2023
Completed repayment of my student loan
I enrolled in Villa College in 2020 to study for a Bachelors degree in computer science...I was given a student loan for the first two months for each semester by the Ministry of Higher Education but I was unable to fund the course on my own so I withdrew from the course and it was mandatory for me to repay the student loan...
I had finished repaying the student loan to Ministry of Higher Education on my own in October 2022 and now I have no more headaches...The only debit I owed to the government is finished...
Alhamdhu Lilaahi Rabil Aalameen...
Friday, January 20, 2023
Beehive Premier Ozone Cafe'
Today I called to meet my good old friend Armbe for a coffee but when I called him there was no answer...
So I went to find my old friend Ahuthar who belongs to Bosnia Gang and I have planned to meet his friend Ahmed Ali...I met Ahuthar in December 1997 and I had a quarrel with him but now both Bosnia Gang and PK Gang members knows that I am little sick and on medication after leaving MNDF and it will be 26 years for our mutual understanding...
I wanted to talk to Ahuthar about two families who are my neighbors and who are trying to interfere with my peaceful life...Complaining to Police will never work as all these long years non of my cases has ever been investigated properly and I want to finish off these troublesome families forever...They are very dirty minded people...
I couldn't track down my old friend Ahuthar and I had a spare little left over cash given to me by my old friend Shafittey and Sodiq sir...Sodiq sir is a friend of mine and when I had to join MNDF he was a lieutenant and retired from Police as a DCP in 2015...
So finally I went to Beehive Premier which is a hotel near Ahuthar's home...I went to the 10th floor Ozone Cafe' and had a Nescafe™ black coffee and took some photos as this was the very first time I was in Beehive Premier...
Allah Akbar...Allah is great...
(Location: Beehive Premier Ozone Cafe'...Date: Friday 20 January 2023...Time: 4:57 PM...Part of the day: Early evening...Weather: Pleasant...Temperature: Moderately hot)